martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Anita Nothomb

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A friend of mine wrote me to tell me she had read this book and the main character had reminded her of me because "she is very funny and she thinks really quickly" (that's a literal translation because she wrote me in Spanish).

And what could a shopaholic do? Click, click, add to cart, check out... and I'll read it in some days.


Mi amiga Carmen me ha dicho que la prota de este libro le recordaba mucho a mí y he tenido que comprarlo...

6 comentarios:

  1. I´m going to annotating just now the title of this book to buy it in my next visit to the bookshop.

  2. Lina, I've been told it's quite easy to read and a hard but interesting story. In Spanish it's called ESTUPOR Y TEMBLORES. And I'm the protagonist! :P

  3. Ya nos contarás que tal el libro, no había oido hablar de el, pero si tu eres la prota, pues habrá que pensárselo :))


  4. Pues ya nos contarás si te ha gustado.

  5. Qué sorpresa te vas a llevar con el libro...

    Yo me he leído bastantes libros de esta autora, me gusta mucho.

  6. Ya os contaré si me ha gustado y si me gusta cómo me ven jjeje.
    Gracias por los comments.


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