jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

You can't say it's a bad day until it's over

So this morning was a bad morning... I can't stand lazy workmates, stupid workmates and just workmates. It's sad to know I'd love my job if I worked alone. Have I told you I hate team work? 

And now, the good news. I'm wearing this dress for the first time. It's from primark, but bought via eBay and absolutely adored. And since I only get some relax by eating, buying a pair of shoes or travelling, I chose the third and bought a flight ticket to London. Not everything was so bad. :)

Outfit 17th June, 2009

Dress: primark
Belt: came with dress
Bangle: primark
Bag: thrifted
Shoes: flea market

11 comentarios:

  1. Y tú tienes envidia de mi hermana?? Si acabas de llegar de NY y ya te vas a Londres!!! Suertuda!!
    Me encanta el vestido!!!


  2. Me ha gustado mucho el vestido, y ese bolso!
    Y nada como un viaje bien lejos de los compañeros de trabajo cargantes: Londres lo cura todo!!

  3. Yes, this dress is really adorable.
    I also love that bag!

  4. Do you leave of trip to London??? Vacations??? Tell me everything!

    The dress is beautiful. I still don´t rely of buying for Internet.

  5. Me recuerda a un vestido que tengo de invierno y que este año ni me lo he puesto...

    Te queda precioso!!


  6. me encanta el vestido!!!... y los zapatos... ya sabes mi adicción a ellos jejeje
    asi que estos me encantan!

  7. Ooh, that dress is gorgeous! I'm very envious.

  8. Thanks to you all.

    Mrs Allnut, Londres lo cura todo todito todo.

    Lina, it's just a short vacation this Summer. I'm leaving at the end of August, before starting to study again! ;)

    Renee, la de cosas que se pueden encontrar en los armarios de una! Gracias por el coment.

    Rebeca, eres una enferma! :P

  9. Pues sí, a veces lo peor del trabajo es tener que aguantar dia tras dia a personas poco profesionales o poco eficientes. Aunque siempre se tiene que alegrar uno de al menos tener trabajito que la cosa está fatal. Estás preciosa con ese vestido y el bolso es una pasada. Bss

  10. I suppose that you are studying a lot... I want to send you a kiss and to wish a lot of luck for you.


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